
Welcome to Physics Concerto! Our seminar series aims to connect the dots across the diverse spectrum of physics.

We recognize the rich tapestry of subfields that make up the world of physics, from condensed matter and high-energy to cosmology and many more. In addition, within each of them, the concentration can vary significantly between theory, experiment and instrumentation.

Our objective is simple yet powerful: we want to enable graduate students to delve into fields and roles beyond their own concentration at an advanced, yet comprehensible, level.

In each seminar, graduate students will present topics from their specialization, making sure their content is accessible to peers from different branches of physics. This isn't about becoming experts in every subfield, but rather about gaining an appreciation for the broader symphony of physics, and hopefully ignite research ideas.

We in fact strongly believe that by fostering dialogues between disciplines, we pave the way for innovative breakthroughs.

Additionally, Physics Concerto wants to stand as a bridge between the overly simplistic public lecture-style seminars and the advanced research-focused seminars. Our seminars are designed to provide a balanced and enriching experience, where a few concepts are explained thoroughly, without overwhelming jargon and excessive details. In other words, we want students to be able to follow the seminar in its entirety (not just the first introductory 10 minutes), and go home having actually learned something new at a fairly advanced level.